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Swedish RobNor is experiencing huge interest for their painting robots. – We aim to make better workplaces and make them more efficient, the managing director José Rodrigues says.

Rodrigues is not afraid of bragging about the company he leads. And that's because he is impressed. And the reason why he joined RobNor as CEO, the 3d of January 2022.

- This is the story of a team that has been in the business for some decades, with successful achievements all the way, says the CEO proudly.

Because of covid he started remotely and met employees through Teams. But he wasn´t brand new in the robotics-business. With 15 years in different positions in Norway, Portugal, China, and Germany, he knew the drill well.

Historic view

The first impression José got when he joined the RobNor-group, was a bunch of very nice people consisting of very skilled people who knew a lot. That was promising, Josè remembers. - We started by defining the growth strategy by targeting markets outside Scandinavia where RobNor already had 90 % of the shares. Making people confident and making sure we have the right background to succeed was another important goal. We also aim to discover new markets, new technologies and new challenges. But the most important task was, and still is to get orders, says Rodrigues.

The RobNor customer The RobNor-customer varies from automotive, Tier1 to general industry. But in general, the customers have a common need that includes coating of their product to protect it against corrosion and to make it attractive with nice colors.

- In RobNor we appreciate to get to know our customers well. We listen, we offer, we deliver, we maintain, and keep intimacy. Establishing trust is the most important target for us. With trust everything becomes simpler, even in difficult situations.

The RobNor group has expanded with several new employees the last six months and the goal for the years to come is clear spoken by Rodrigues. - Increase sales by significant % by the end of 2025 to allow even more hiring. We also expect to open an office in France. RobNor has until now organized sales in 2 territories, Scandinavia, and South Europe, but the company are working towards the whole European market.

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